170113 Lineage Red Knights Fan sign

F: Hello
W: Hello
F: When I see noonas, I really wanted to say that I'm thankful
W: Why (she looked sternly as if she's very curious and my heart almost burst)
F: I became a fan after listening to 'Don't Push Me' last year, I learnt about noonas after listening to that song. I found vibrancy in my life and became happier..
W: Wah....thank you....let's meet again next time

(she was looking at me from down below and I really almost went crazy ㅠㅠ)


F: Wah your skin is really....your skin is really good
W: nah ㅠㅠ unnie's is better

After receiving the signature and leaving
F: your skin.....is really good
W: Nope ㅠㅠ let's meet each other again next time ㅋㅋㅋ

F: Hello!
W: Hello
F: Noona when I came the previous time, I received noona's encouragement and did well in my examination!
W: Really? That is not because of me..
F: Nono!! It's because of noona. So that's why I really wanted to thank you! Tha-thank you~vv
W: Tha-thank you~vv

I don't know about other things but the cameras need to be crushed. Compared to photos, she looks 221 times better in real life. Her visuals are crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

At first I asked if she has watched La La Land. She said she did so I gave her the CD and she thanked me ㅠㅠ I asked if she can sing a song from La La Land and upload it on Instagram and she just laughed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Also, I brought those two dolls and asked which does she like better and she chose the squirrel doll ㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I like wan-puppy better ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  
It's my birthday so Son-sweet sang a birthday song for me

Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday lovely xxx~ Happy birthday to you~

She sang for me even with that short amount of time ㅠㅠㅠ Thought my lips are splitting apart from smiling ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

F: Hello~
W: Ohhh hello~
F: Wah you're really pretty
W: (shy) thank you hahaha...
F: That is airing today, convenience store
W: (!!!) Oh..? Oh..! Ohoh..!!  Oh..!
F: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
W: That's right ㅠㅠ I have something to do today because of that..
F: ㅎㅎ I got employed this time so I'm living alone. I'm going to watch that today and go to the convenience store ㅎㅎㅎ
W: Ah~ Congratulations!!
F: Thank you, happy new year!
W: Yea~ Happy new year~

F: Seung wan ah ㅠㅠㅠ it's been such a long time, I missed you  ㅠㅠ (stomps feet) (overwhelmed)
W: Aigoo ㅠㅠ It's been such a long time right ㅠㅠ (signing)
F: yes yes, isn't it cold? Your clothes are too thin ㅠㅠ
W: Yes! It's alright, I'm not even a bit cold! (looks at my clothes) you're dressed warmly ㅋㅋㅋ (I wore the best padding)
F: After the fan signs end and I go back, I always couldn't remember your faces well, so that's why I want to look at your face a lot today ㅠㅠ
W: Ah face!! (suddenly stretches her head towards me)
F: Oh I can see your lenses!!
W: Oh ㅋㅋ That's right I wore lenses today..I'll take them out the next time and let you see my bare eyes
F: You look pretty with or without lenses ㅠㅠ Don't be sick, Seungwan ah, make sure to take your meals!!
W: Ok! (I stretched out my hands to high-five, and she high-fives with me)
F: Ah I don't want to leave ㅠㅠㅠ (As I was turning around, I didn't let go of wannie's hand, so waniee grabbed onto the ends of my fingers too ㅠㅠ)
W: (crying face ㅠㅠ)

F: Seungwan noona/unnie, I'm going on a trip to Taiwan from 3rd March to 9th March!
W: yea
F: Is there likely to be a comeback during then..?
Security guard: please move along
F: uh uh.........
W: Uh.....I think we'll probably be having some activities then?

F: Every time you upload onto Instagram, you write long captions. Fans really like that
W: Ah really? I always write too long..
F: No, thank you for always writing it long like a letter. I gain a lot of strength even when you upload only just a picture, so I really wanted to say thank you. Personally!
W: Thank you...Happy New Year~
F: Thank you happy new year~

F: I listend to your carol well
W: Ah thank you!
F: I really like jazz. I've been picked out a similar CD
W: (while laughing) Thank you! Happy New Year

I think I've only heard thank yous from wannie haha

W: hoooooayeeeee?
Even before I go in front of her, she was in a very shocked state. She was continuously is that state for about 3 seconds
W: hooooo waahhhhhhhhh???!!!!
F: Why are you like that...
W: The previous person looks young so I thought she was younger than I am!!
F: haha so that's why
W: what it's your birthday too??? It's also the birthday of the previous person! (making gestures asking if the two of us know each other)
F: I don't know that person at all.
W: (while signing, she looked at me and then pointed) .....same age....
F: (shakes head)
W: younger!!!
F: (smiles widely)
W: (extremely proud)
F: This time, you got it right on the second try ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
W: That's right, the previous time I asked four times ㅋㅋㅋgo safely!!
F: ok (shakes hand)

W: It's been a long time!
F: (shocked) Do you really remember me!
W: Of course~ It's been a long time~
F: haha you released lots of songs this time!
W: I released a lit~tle~, a lit~le~ (using her hands and face expressions to gesture a little)
F: I listen to them every day, I really like them
W: I'm really thankful to the people who streamed ㅠㅠ
F: I'll listen to your songs a lot so please release many!
W: Ok I'll release more!! Happy New Year!

F: Hello it's been a long time ㅠㅠ
W: It's really been a long time!
F: I haven't seen you since last year  ㅠㅠ
W: You've gotten cuter!!
F: Huk? You remember me? You always say that but forget
W: No haha I remember now!
F: Ah is that so. Is there perhaps a member you would like to form a unit with?
W: Ah mm~~~
F: Just one!
W: Ah ah ah I don't know
(security asked to move along)
F: Just one person
W: I don't know, I like all ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(security asked to move along)
F: I can't go until I hear an answer ㅠㅠㅠ
W: Ah raaaaaaaa (ear blocking gesture) I can't hear you~~~~
F: ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah ah


W: Hello
F: Hello. (I need to say something!) I....when people see me, they call me the ambassador of Light Me Up!
W: What of Light Me Up???
F: Ambassador!
W: Oh~ Really~? Why.
I pointed with my finger ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but wannie couldn't find my tattoo and only looked at empty space  ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was perplexed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So I pointed again
W: Oh, oh! (she had a really shocked face)
F: I'm going to get another tattoo, what should I tattoo? Please recommend
W: Hiiiik...(as expected, shocked face) It wasn't painful?
F: It was painful...
W:  (after seeing the tattoo, she continued to have a shocked face) (while pointing at the present) I'm thankful even just for this..
(security kept asking to move along)

She kept looking at me until I leave the stage. ㅋㅋㅋ I came down the stage while kept having eye contacts with her

F: Seungwan ah, hi~
W: Hi friend! 
(T/N: I'm skipping this part because the OP left out many personal parts and so it'll be a mess if I translate word for word. So basically, Wendy remembers this fan)
F: Oh hahaha you remember...but I came this time without much thoughts ㅠㅠㅠ
W: (sings the song that is playing at the moment)
(I've always asked her to sing for me during fan signs. Although she could just be singing coincidentally hahaha)
F: We'll be able to meet soon right?!
W: Yea! Bye
W: Hello~
F: Hello~ so cute
W: Huh thank you
F: I listened to your songs a lot in army, I like 94s so so much
W: Thank you, have you discharged..?
F: Yes I have so I'm going to cheer on you guys during the next activities
W: Yes. Must! Please return safely
F: ok

F: (passes letter to security guard)
W: Ah thank you 
F: I'm studying abroad...I'm gaining a lot of strength listening to unnie (noona)'s songs
W: Wah thank you, where are you studying abroad at?
W: Ah XX~ Ah the pronunciation! ㅎㅎㅎ do well studying abroad and come back
F: I'll come again
W: Ok see you again~!

It takes 11 hours for me to get there so Seulgi asked where I came from..? Wannie told her it's xx..
Also at the end she greeted me with her friendly eyes...

I saw an angel...


F: (showing the rings) Please take one you like~
W: Ah~! Please pick one that fits me!
F: Uh......
W: This one's like Irene unnie (rabbit character), this one is like Seulgi (Pikachu), this one.....oh this one is Seulgi too (Line bear), this one is Sooyoung.....(bird)
F: Which one.... (I need to make a recommendation...)
W: Since I'm Sooyoung's fan, this one! (chose the bird)
F: Can I put in on for you?
W: (stretches her hand)
F: High five just once...
W: Thank you~ Happy new year~

F: Hello (gives letter)
W: Hello~
F: Ah unnie I really like unnie, unnie is my bias in Red Velvet ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (I'm spitting words so quickly because I met my bias)
W: (seems like she didn't understand)
F: I like unnie the most in Red Velvet ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (puts on a pororo ring on her little finger) Unnie if I go to university, please get married with me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠ!!
W: (thinks for 0.5 seconds) you must! keep that promise! You must keep that promise!
F: Yes ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please shake my hands once ㅠㅠ!
W: (stretches hand)

F: Hello!!!
W: Hello~ Oh! It's your birthday?
F: The day after tomorrow!!
W: (signs and sings happy birthday with her English pronunciation)
F: Ah thank you ㅠㅠㅠ I really watch Trick and True well!!
W: Oh really? (Wendy did the 'Trick and~~~True' and I also did 'True!!!' together)
F: (kept smiling) Really thank you!!! (greeted and high five)

F: Happy new year!!! haha
W: Ohoh? (Don't know why she's flustered) Thank you haha
F: I was touched after I saw your Instagram post, I'm going to treat my parents and friends well now, and also Red Velvet too haha
W: Aye..I too also always write like that in words but can't do well...
F: Nono, I saw that I learnt a lot haha
W: Thank you....ah happy new year!!!! Be careful of the cold!! 
F: Red Velvet hwaiting!!!..

W: Hello
(gives letter)
F: Hello, I went for the Laundry Day recording last month
(They asked if there was anyone who came from the province and I shouted that I'm from Gwangju)
W: Ah....perhaps are you that one I pointed at?  (I'm not even the one who brought it up but she remembered, amazing) What colour clothing were you wearing?
F: I wore a black coat and had purple hair
W: Ah...I remember the face but not the clothes....were you sitting on the left? right?
F: Left
W: Ah...then did you dye your hair again?
F: Yes that's right (Actually the colour wore off)
Security: (please move along)
W: (sad face) (shakes hand) happy new year!!!!
F: Thank you

W: Hello
F: Hello, I'm tired these days because of OO, but
W: but...?
F: I am happy when I see noonas, thank you
W: Ah really ㅠㅠ I'm more thankful
F: No
(asked to move along)
W: Always cheer up and hwaiting, let's meet again, bye~ (I was pushed by the security guard but she looked at me till the very end while saying that ㅠㅠㅠ)
F: Yea thank you bye~

Seungwan is so thin so I said

'Noona please gain some weight...'

And Wannie said 'I'm secretly gaining a bit ㅋㅋ' 

F: Hello
W: Ah ㅋㅋ you are bright ㅎㅎ
F: Meㅎ? Ah noona during the previous fan sign, I said that trolling wannie is fun, it's not that, your variety skills are good these days ㅎ I'm really anticipating for 'Raid the Convenience Store'
W: I'm so nervous now!! I couldn't say anything during the first recording
F: Aye, you'll do well
W: I really couldn't say anything during the first recording ㅠ
F: Ah it's alright!!
W:  Working hard more during the second recording!
F: Hwaiting! Noona you suit blue hair well too~ (I think she didn't hear this well....since I said it out of nowhere)
W: Happy new year
F: Please sing more songs this year too
W: Ok~

Son sweet has such friendly eyes ㅠㅠ

(gives letter)
W: Hello~
F: Hello~ I gained a lot of comfort form listening to your songs this year!
W: Ah really?
F: I wanted to say thank you!
W: (Her eyes are so kind ㅠ) I gain a lot of strength when I hear such words!
F: I too gain strength from listening to your songs! (security asked to move along but wannie blocked it)
W: Ah really thank you, waiting (writes p.s.) Let 2017 really really have more more and only have good things! Hwaiting hwaiting happy new year
F: I'll listen to your songs a lot, see you again (Shakes hand)


'hbd' was written next to my name on the paper so Wendy went 'Happy birthday??' she's so cute, her pronunciation is so cute too ㅠㅠ 
But she didn't lift her head because she's busy writing 'happy birthday'....I want to see her face ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
So I just said 'I want to see you..'
There was a moment of silence and she said
'Oh! Me too! It's good to see you after such a long time! I'm sorry I can't do multi-tasking well...now..'
So I said 'I see haha'
and she said 'It's harder to write in cursive!' after finishing, she went
'Da-dda!' and lifted her head ㅠㅠ
She's damn cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ baby
I said 'Since I got the autograph, I should get going' and she suddenly grabbed my hand and went 'happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to lovely OO, happy birthday to you' I was flustered because she sang me a song but I really like it ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
