160925 Bundang Fansign

F: Unnie, the previous time you said that between English and Korean, you're more comfortable with English
W: Yes!
F: Then when you watch foreign movies in Korea, do you read the subtitles or listen to the English?
W: The subtitles are different from the English! The meaning!
F: That's right! So that's why I tend to listen
W: That's why I tend to listen
W: If there are difficult vocabulary, or you know things like scientific terms~ or related to specialised stuff, I read the subtitles together. If not, I just listen to the English! It's more comfortable that way!


Son Seung Wan is so friendly ㅠㅠ I wore a skirt, while signing, she kept asking me to be careful of my back
W: It's tiring right ㅠ?
F: No no ㅋㅎㅎㅎ (laughs)
W: Yes that smile!!!
(while saying that, she drew an emoticon zealously ㅋ At first, she drew eyes that looks like 'ㅁ' ㅋbut changed to ^ㅁ^ ㅠㅠㅠ cute ㅠㅠㅠ

Wendy is a homebody so I asked what she does at home? She says she sleeps...Then when there are no schedules? She says she goes to the practice room....

F: Hello!
W: Hello!!
F: Ah I really want to become a person like unnie how has great thoughts
W: Huh My thoughts are great though?? haha
F: No ㅠㅠㅠ your face is pretty and your thoughts are pretty ㅠㅠㅠ
W: Ahhahaha......
F: I'm taking an examination tomorrow, please tell me to do well ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
W: You're taking an examination but you came here?? What are you taking!
F: Mathematics ㅠㅠㅠㅠ so please write that I will get 100 marks and draw a face for me
W: Ahha it's ruined...
F: it's cute it's cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
W: No it's not cute.. ㅠㅠㅠ Sorry it's not pretty ㅠㅠㅠ
F: It's fine, thank you ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Really ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(Actually we also spoke in English but I couldn't understand. We shook hands and she did a hwaiting gesture for me ㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
Writing on album: Hwaiting! It's fine even if it's not 100 marks! :D

W: Hello~
F: Hello~

My friend is a Wendy fan so she asked me to greet her, so I'll fast forward this part

F: Unnie can you hold my hand once?
W: Oh ok! (grabs hand) Your hand is so cold ㅠㅠ (frown)

We greeted each other and ended
She saw my short skirt and went 'Oh!! Skirt!!! Don't bend forward don't bend forward!! Your skirt is too short ㅠㅠ (frown)'
She pressed my skirt inwards 

 Writing on album: You need to be healthy! Contact! Happiness!

F: Hello
W: Uh...ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋㅎㅎㅎ
F: Why are you laughing
W: Very...somehow...ㅋ...dependable...ㅋ....I think you look dependable 
F: (I know that too..ㅠㅠ quickly says something) Noona I'm going to the army! Next week..
W: Up till here~~~~ Seems like it's the end~~~~ (ㅋ)
(T/N: These are lyrics from a classic song that is used in many farewell scenes in movies and dramas
F: (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) I will come out during breaks! Let's make a promise, I will definitely come out during the breaks~!
W: During the breaks~
F: I will come for the fan signs (when I come out during breaks)
W: You must stay healthy...(scribble)
F: I won't forget you...
W: Be healthy...!
W: Stay in frequent contact with your parents! (scribble)
W: Contact! Healthy! (Happiness! Scribble)
F: (Sees that she wrote 'happiness') Over here, did you just ask me to be happy ㅋㅋㅋ You ask me to be happy there ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
W: (gif below) Hwaiting.....hwaiting!! Hwaiting!!!! Hwaiting!!!! Hwaiting!!!!
W: Bye! Up till here~~~~~ 

F: Hello!~
W: Hello~
F: (takes out present) It's more welcoming seeing you after 2 days. This is a present, I brought a bath product for you to use and relax when you're tired
W: Aigoo aigoo thank you. You even bring these
F: I felt sorry not being able to bring a present on Friday...since I could come today, I bought one!
W: Thank you, I'll use it well. Go Pan Myung..(hesitates)
F: Yes, I'm an oppa
W: (apologetic expression) That time too...do you not really like it when I write oppa? Should I write something else instead?
F: (flustered because of wendy's expression, pupils shook, thought of other possible names for 0.5 seconds) no no no, it's fine. Just write oppa for me. 
W: (sign, scribble scribble)
F: Ah! Can you write your Korean name for me today?
W: Korean name? Ah seungwannie~?
F: Yes, I really wanted to receive a signature with your Korean name
W: Ok (scribble scribble)
F: Thank you. Congratulations for getting first place on Inkigayo today!
W: Ahyoo thank you. (shook hands with me first this time too)
Sign off: -Oppa's dongsaeng Seungwannie-

W: Hello your age~~?
F: I'm nn years old! I'm going to take a @@ language test this year. You're good at @@! Give me some of your strength~~
W: No that, the news article misreported....my clarification....
F: Aye~~ even so, you know 4 languages...
W: (flustered) no ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Because of that news article, I was so nervous that I might be asked to do it during times like radios ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
Manager: Please move along
W: Hope you do well in your examination...!
~~~Shakes hand~~~


 'You are like a warm blue colour. I found out that it is a colour that feels cool but also looks warm at the same time because of you. Thank you for letting me feel something new. Also, I am happy everyday because I can hear your beauty. I want to listen to you for a long time.'

This is something that I've planned to say to wannie


W: Hello~
F: (mind went blank. Blue....blue....warm....warm....lost the timing and couldn't say any~thing at all)
W: Same age?
F: Same age...
W: I got it right!
F: (blue....blue....warm....) Silence
W: Perfume?
F: (f*ck...my mouth...)
W: Perfume???
F: Yes....yes...
W: What do you use...you use this originally?
F: Yes..yes....fe...ferrari.......(Actually I went to olive young today and used it for the first time....I left my perfume at home f*ck)

Gave my letter and ended. What in the world was that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

(T/N: I'm sorry for the vulgarity. I don't really like to include profanity but I felt that the humour would be lost if I didn't, since that's how the fan felt)

First of all, Wendy is so angelic...
There are stairs leading up the the stage
The stairs are not of good quality I guess..
There were sounds of fans wobbling and all..

Once Wendy saw that, she got shocked
'there there, that won't do, there' and then asked the fans 'are you alright? ㅠㅠ'


W: @@~
F: Hello
W: Hello!! How old are you??
F: I'm @@ years old
W: Ah~~ I see
F: Ah! There is something I would like to say
W: ?? What is it
(I was nervous so I looked down)
W: Look at me! Look at me! Look at me and tell me!!
F: It's....it's something very banal...Whenever I hear unnie sing...I can feel you using your heart to sing...so that's why I am very thankful....just that...
W: Mm...(puts down her pen and looks at me ㅠㅠㅠㅠ) I think I became like that when I am in front of fans. They are always there in front of me (memory loss) Thank you for saying these to me
F: No..no....
W: Why is your arm like that!!??
(I had a big transparent bandage on my arm)
F: Ah..this...I fell down
(Someone: Please move over)
W: Be careful ㅠㅠ
(Touches my bandage softly)

W: Hello~
F: Ah unnie it's my first time so I'm very nervous ㅠㅠㅠ
W: No don't be nervous, if you're nervous, you'll regret it in the future
F: Unnie if I come again to the fan sign, can I call you Seungwan unnie?
W: Call me now! (forceful)
F: (softly) I love you seungwan unnie..
W: Louder!!
F: I love you seungwan unnie!!!! (hand heart)
W: (bigger hand heart) Bye~ (high five plus interlock fingers)


F: Previously at the Hap Jeong fan sign, I told you to write that my house won't fall apart because of the earthquake
W: Ah~~~~ don't be like that ㅠㅠㅠ I remember that ㅠㅠㅠ
F: Ah but the earthquake stopped that day ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
W: Why are you so cheerful ㅠㅠㅠ
F: Ah, instead of Wendy, please write Seungwan for me!!
W: Instead of Wendy..Seungwaaan~?
F: Since the promotions have ended, please prepare..for the next album...zealously!
W: Ok! Got it! Thank you! I'll..! prepare...! it...! zealously...! please look after it...! (copies the way I talk)
F: Thank you ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

(Isn't 'Instead of Wendy, Seungwan' very cute??????????)

Writing on album: Instead of Wendy, Seungwan

F: Hello
W: Hello @@~
F: I came during OOTN when I was a soldier..
W: (saw my clothes) Ah! I think I've seen those clothes somewhere (I wore Ahreum's sweater, after she said that, she said softly) .....ha army...
F: I....prepared a poem...
(Showed her the poem I wrote on a card)
W: Oowah! (stares at it from top to bottom)
W: (read everything and looked at the last sentence) *Ha...Wendy did it again...hahahahahaha

Showed her the front side
(I wrote 'To. Red Velvet's aegyo machine' on the front)

W: Oh~~~~~~ohh (??????????)

Shakes hand and end

Recording of Wendy saying 'ha..wendy did it again...':

*Ha...Wendy did it again...(하...웬디가 또...) is a term fans use whenever Wendy does something nice, example, baking, caring for people, have some great achievements etc. They use an acronym for it called 'Ha.Wen.Again' (하.웬.또)

F: Hello..
W: ?.?
F: ahah I'm a dongsaeng!
W: (sign scribble scribble)
F: I have something I'm curious about...amongst all of Red Velvet's songs, which do you like best?
W: Mm...ah...I like them all ㅠㅠ
F: (ㅠㅠ) Just one!
W: Mm... ㅠ
F: The one you're attached to the most!
W: I....like the song 'Sunny Afternoon' that is playing right now..Light Me Up!!!! I like that too... ㅠㅠ
F: Ahah that's right ㅠㅠ Light Me Up..really ㅠㅠ

I can't remember anything after this

While saying 'Sunny Afternoon' she moved to the rhythm
Wannie is the first in line so she's busy, but if people from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd stories call her name, she'll give reactions....wangelinus ㅠㅠ

'Even if I can't eat much and went on stage, I gain a lot of strength when I hear the cheers from the fans. I end up looking at the fans instead of the cameras. Especially the part 'Bae Joo Hyun, Kang Seul Gi', especially that.'
