IZE interview

[Relationship between chicken and curry]
Are you guys continuing to do diet these days?
Irene: Yes, we’ve been doing it continuously. We mainly eat food like apples and sweet potatoes. But…(pinching the bread left on the table) I think I need to eat (this).

Joy likes chicken, but Irene can’t eat chicken varieties.
Joy: That’s why when we order something, we order what we want to eat individually. We understand each other. If I say I want to eat chicken, Irene unnie will say ‘ok, you order chicken. I can just eat others’. Other unnies like chicken too.
Irene: I will eat something else at the side. There’s also chips and salad.

Do you have an allergy to chicken?
Irene: If I eat chicken, my head hurts so much my face turns pale. I think my body doesn’t accept it.
Joy: I cannot understand. This delicacy…(laugh)
Irene: When I was young, my mother ordered chicken everyday for a week. Soy sauce chicken was delicious at first, but eating it everyday made me sick of it and I vomited once before. After that, I couldn’t eat chicken. However, my mother cannot remember it. “Why did you order so much chicken for me that time?” I asked her but she can’t remember.
Joy: Ah, I understand if it’s like that. I made curry ddeokbboki for my younger siblings when I was in elementary school, I forced myself to eat all the leftovers and ended up vomiting due to indigestion. I don’t eat curry after that. I don’t even like the smell of it.

 [Red Velvet’s happiness]
I heard that the first time you guys sang together was for recording of the debut song ‘Happiness’
Irene: It was really fun. Especially the parts where we shout together. Four of us went in and recorded while screaming ‘Happiness!, ‘I want it!, ‘Let’s dream!’
Seulgi: Rather than being cute, we just shouted (using loud voices) “Happiness!!” like that. At that time, I thought that we really matched well.
Wendy: ‘Happiness’ has a beat that goes like koong dadakdak, koong dadakdak on a whole, so we did it excitedly. Although we are all on the cool (personality) side, I think we all became happier and brighter after doing promotions for ‘Happiness’. Although it was tiring having to jump and shout.

What do the trainers say whenever you are tired or pass out?
Seulgi: We encourage each other among ourselves and stand up.
Wendy: We train while telling ourselves this is really the last time, the last time. It’s not just one member who is always helping the other members to stand up, it’s always different. If one person is overflowing with energy, the rest follows.
Seulgi: Our conditions are different depending on the day.
Irene: Althoug I don’t remember it very clearly, the trainer unnie said this after our debut stage. You guys were pretty. Congratulations. The day has finally come. Before this, the unnies would always say “We meet in order to be separated. We need to send you guys off quickly.” But the day really came.

What thoughts did you guys have when you heard that you four will be in the same team?
Joy: First of all, the four of has have always been training together. For me, I thought it would be great to be with the unnies. However, other friends who might match well with us were being added in the middle. We train with those people and tried to match with each other. Honestly, whenever that happens, I get jealous. I was afraid the new kids will steal unnies’ love from me. I told the unnies before, that I’m jealous, and it would be great if they would love (the other friends) lesser. I said that and was really happy that I am in one team with the unnies. I wouldn’t even be able to dream of debuting if it wasn’t for the unnies.

You guys were close since before. Do you guys still hold hands while going somewhere?
Wendy: It became a habit without us noticing.
Seulgi: I was originally a person who doesn’t link arms? But Irene unnie likes these kind of skinship a lot. I linked arms with unnie while going around when we were trainees. These days we stick to each other even more because it’s cold.
Irene: At first when I linked arms with her, Seulgi didn’t know what to do with the arm and froze like a robot.
Seulgi: I like uh…uhm….. while hesitating

[Oldest unnie’s reversal]
How was your first impression of each other?
Seulgi: Irene unnie was pretty. However, unnie came up from Daegu, her satoori was so strong, she didn’t talk at first. She would only say ‘Hello’ and walk past me. Unnie has fixed her satoori a lot now. She doesn’t use it much except for when she’s talking to her mother on the phone or when she gets excited. Ah, strangely, these days she uses Jeonlla-do satoori. (laugh)
Wendy: It was difficult for me to approach unnie because she was so pretty. Can I even approach her? Will that be alright? But I think I approached her in the end anyway.
Seulgi: Wendy is very friendly.  Irene unnie is an very acceptable person too so they became close immediately.

아이린 입장에선 ‘ 나한테 아무도 안 다가오지?’ 싶진 않았어요?
In Irene’s perspective, didn’t you thought of ‘Why doesn’t anyone approach me?’
Irene: I heard a lot that my first impression is scary. When I first became I trainee, I had never dyed my hair once before so my hair was pitch black. It probably made me scarier. I dyed it brown once after. Didn't my impression get better?
Joy: That’s right. Unnie is just shy but other people might see it as being cold. After training together, she takes care of me like my real older sister. She teaches me dance when I couldn’t memorize and was struggling. I was so touched, my thoughts changed about her from that day onwards. She was a scary person but she’s actually really kind if you get to know her.

Does she buy you nice food?
Joy: Not long ago, unnie bought me friend squid and ddeokbboki. It was really delicious. What really touched me was that unnies cooked seaweed soup and other food for my birthday. I had to wake up early for school.
Wendy: We just took out side dishes we originally have. We cooked a bit of seaweed soup. (laugh)
Joy: So I’m just getting touched on my own? (laugh)
Wendy: What surprised me at that time, I woke up early in the morning and was in the kitchen first. 10 minutes later, Irene unnie came in and asked ‘what are you doing?’, I said ‘I’m cooking seaweed soup…” and unnie replied ‘you too?’

[Maknae’s rebellion]
Seems like Joy is getting better at dancing
Joy: When I first entered the company I was afraid of this thing called dancing. Before that, I was only matching with friends. I don’t exercise often so my stamina is low, I couldn’t do stretching well so dancing was difficult for me. After debut, I practice with songs that are of a totally different style, just like ‘Happiness’ and ‘Be Natural’ and I think my body accepts them faster as compared to my trainee days.
Irene: Joy has her own feel. It’s called ‘Bbyong Pil’ (laugh)

She has ‘anger’
Seulgi: Yes. She’s the youngest amongst us but she has anger.
Joy: I think it’s because I’ve been living as the maknae
Irene: What?
Wendy: (To Seulgi) We need to do the best. We need to do well in between the oldest unnie and the maknae. We’re last in terms of authority ranking. Let’s do well.
Seulgi: The 94s…have become like this.
Joy: I’ve seen the authority ranking the fans made. Irene unnie is the ‘wall’, and Wendy unnie and Seulgi unnie are last in place. (laugh)

How is it like to gain three unnies at once?
Joy: I have younger sisters so I was always the unnie. Therefore, I was always hesitant in asking others for help or depending on them. At the beginning of my trainee days, should I call it ‘my way’, I did everything myself. I think the unnies would have been frustrated with me. I didn’t talk much and tried to solve everything on my own. When I was tired, unnies came over and helped out one by one. I thought ‘So that’s why they say it’s good to have unnies’. Unnies styles are all different. Wendy unnie will sweetly take care of each and everything, Seulgi unnie will try to understand like a friend, Irene unnie will take care of me at the back queietly. Really feels like a family.

Do you know what’s the position of a maknae?
Joy: I forget about that sometimes and mess around with the unnies.

That’s the maknae. (laugh) How do you mess around with them?
Joy: When I’m in a good mood, I go “Wendy-yah~” (laugh_
Joy: We are short, so Joy goes ‘Oi~ our Seulgi~ ah so cute’ like that.
Joy: Today morning too, Wendy unnie and Irene unnie were playing and running around in front of me, it was so cute. Both are them are small.
Wendy: Unnie said she was cold so I tried to cover her my with jacket but she just kept fooling around. Aish, just cover it.

Joy: They’re like little kids. Haha.

You didn’t catch a cold?
Wendy: Ah, I’m having a cold now! (laugh) I eating medicine. I’m almost recovered.  I’m not the one who started it but I always end it catching it. This time, Joy caught it first. Amongst us, the only one didn’t catch it is Seulgi. Her immune system must be strong.

You must be more concerned being the main vocalist. You even sang the high note in “Happiness”.
Wendy: When I was recording that part, my throat was in a good condition. Therefore it was fine, I had to continuously sing that part. I sang ‘Shine on me’ repeatedly for ten times. Even so, it was fun. Should I say that I relieved a lot of stress? Seems like I used all my energy and sang that part. On the other hand, I worried a lot on stage, and that showed on my expression. When I talked about it to the members at night, I thought that I should just enjoy it, and be grateful that I even have such a part. After that, it was fine because I thought to myself ‘I’m happy! Jjan!’

You sang really hard live on SBS <Kim Chang Ryul’s Old School.
Wendy: That, it won’t come out if I sang without confidence. I have to belt it out. If I sang while thinking ‘Yah, just do it!’, it will come out even better.

How about dancing? You’re famous for being ‘dance god dance king’.
Wendy: Ah, I wasn’t the one who said ‘dance god dance king’. (laugh) People just said that jokingly. Both ‘Happiness’ and ‘Be Natural’ were both difficult for me. My personality is cool so I originally couldn’t do the cutesy stuff. ‘Happiness’ needs to be cute, while ‘Be Natural’ needs to be feminine, so it was difficult.

What did you think of while you were up on stage for ‘Be Natural’?
Wendy: ‘I’m feminine’. The stylists dress us up before going on stage. During that time, I kept thinking ‘I’m a female, I’m feminine, this isn’t ‘Happiness’, it’s ‘Be Natural’’.

What kind of feminine-like thing can you show with that song?
Wendy: Mm…not just simply feminine, but a cool woman? We even wore suits. Feels like especially young students will be able to look at us like idols.

Who became the most demure on stage for ‘Be Natural’?
Wendy: I think…it’s me. (laugh) Although I usually like feminine things, I’m not on the demure side. Also, maknae Joy did really well. Though she’s still a high schooler, she expressed those emotions well, she’s really different on stage. Actually, all the members are like that. For me, I just chant a spell on myself. ‘I’m feminine, I’m going to sing ‘Be Natural’’. (laugh)

Looking at it, you’re the member who shows the most impersonations on variety shows. For example, Christina, Lee Guk Joo.
Wendy: I do those when I’m having a hard time during my trainee days so I’m familiar with it. I kept doing these during radio shows, so those do you call them ‘expression photos’? I worried a lot because many weird photos came out. But those are just me anyway. If I try to hide it or become serious about it, I wouldn’t be able to talk. Having fun and doing it comfortably is my personality so I’m not very concerned now.

Red Velvet works hard on variety shows, you seem to be the type to give big laughs by thinking ‘ah, I don’ think I’ll be able to do it’ but still attempting.
Wendy: I guess it’s because our personalities are not like ‘I’ll go and do it’ but more of ‘Do you want to do it first?’, ‘No, you do it first’.

Even so, you’re always the one getting ‘bullied’. Why do you think that is so?
Wendy: They say my reactions are good. Especially Irene unnie, she kept teasing me. Even if I go ‘Aye, why are you like that’, ‘Aye, don’t do that’, they still continue teasing. I go ‘Aye!’ and they tease again. (laugh) They say that it’s funny and cute that I am always doing something on my own. I don’t really know…, Irene unnie looked and me and says I’m like a little boy. It’s unexpected right?


T/N Note: I might do the rest of the members' parts when I have time but you can find them elsewhere by google searching.
