La Rouge Photobook Translations

Chapter 01 – The Curtain Rises

A stage completely smothered in Red. Flaming hot Tango music. A side of Red Velvet that you never knew; and a Red Velvet you’ve never seen before.



“The initial idea was like a scene from a movie. Several dancers breaking out into an alluring yet mature kind movement. I would love to try some sort of a musical someday.”

Choosing a tambourine as an item during your solo stage was memorable. Is there a special reason behind it?

Actually, I wanted to do a dance using a chair. Director Shim Jae Won who planned the concert also had a stage with a similar feeling in mind. During the first concert planning meeting, Director Jae Won suggested how about using both the chair and tambourine together. The reference that he showed me was a scene from some movie, and just like the stage that I had pictured, it was a scene where several dancers were doing an alluring dance. I liked it as it had a different feeling from what Red Velvet has shown thus far. Also because I like that kind of feeling.

What kind of stage would you like to do next time? Are there any items or stage configurations you’ve thought of?

I’ve seen BoA unnie’s concert when I was a trainee. At that time, unnie did a musical-style stage with the dancers and it was really touching. I still can’t forget it, so I’d like to try a musical-like stage like that next time.


“There are lots of things I want to do. But whatever that may be, I try my best under any given circumstance.”

I remember Joy’s solo stage was you wearing a strong red tango outfit and dancing alluringly. Was it tough when you were practicing?

It was very tough as the dance style is different to what I’ve been dancing. Actually, I thought about a stage that would highlight my vocals, but two members were going to sing so there was a suggestion on ‘how about a performance with tango as the theme’. While saying that it would fit me.

I totally had no idea. Because it felt like you filled up the whole of that wide stage.

With a genre like Tango, it is not easy to give off that unique feeling it has if you only learnt the surface of it. Therefore, rather than focusing on performance, I put on a stage with the concept called Tango. I think that’s how a good stage was presented. If the opportunity rises, I’d like to learn the Tango genre in depth.

Will we be able to see a stage that highlights Joy’s vocals in the next concert?

There are lots of things that I want to do. But whatever that may be, I try my best under any given circumstance. Although it wasn’t what I had intended, my solo stage this time came out well conceptually. For my next stage too, I intend to decide after considering the opinions of the people around me. Because there are times where the people around me knows what I’m good at better than I do.

For reversal charms, I’ve heard that you have talents in Trot. I anticipate Joy’s Trot stage too.

I had to create personal talents during my debut, and I couldn’t do impersonations well. The last resort was to sing Trot. Amongst Trot, I like the still and sad feeling like that of Shim Soo Bong sunbaenim’s. The image that people have of Trot is wearing bright and sparkling clothes. If I do sing Trot at concert, it will be a very sad stage.

A sad Trot, it’s very different to the image we have of Joy though? It’s the complete opposite to the name Joy.

That’s right. That’s why even with the name Joy, it was given with the meaning ‘I hope I become bright and happy’ as my personality is chic and quiet. Even so, I got a lot brighter because of my name. Because being a celebrity is a career that needs to give the public bright and positive energy. I, too, work hard to show much of those sides when I go on broadcasts.


“Everyone wears a mask. But, one shouldn’t forget oneself. I wanted everyone to rip off their mask and see who they are.”

Seulgi’s solo stage was memorable. The mask and paper ripping performance were memorable, whose idea was it?

It was my idea. I wanted to do a stage where I could express something inside of me. I’ve been a trainee for 7 years, I have confidence in showing the dances or songs that I’ve practiced hard for on stage. But I’m not very good at expressing what I feel. Therefore, using this concert as an opportunity, I wanted to learn that process and so I put out that idea. 

So that’s how Seulgi’s thoughts were expressed just as it is on stage.

I think many people wear a mask. Everyone integrates and lives in this society that is passing on, with everyone hiding their inner intentions. But it is difficult to make it easy for the audience to understand this in a short amount of time. I thought of drawing on stage at first, and then ripping that apart at the end. But if I do that, I thought it could be interpreted negatively by any chance, contrary to my intention.

If that is so, was the reason why there was an LED screen at the back showing lyrics because people might interpret it differently?

That’s right. I wanted to explain to people why I took a piece of paper with a smiley face out all of the sudden, and why I tore that up, through the LED screen.

What did Seulgi want to say through her solo stage?
While leading a social life, there are situations where someone wears a mask. I wanted to convey that one shouldn’t forget oneself. Also, one would need to know how to express oneself. Therefore, I wanted everyone to rip off their mask and see who they are.


“This is something I’ve wanted to tell the 20-year-old me. “What is it that I would want to hear from others?” – This was the inspiration I had for writing the lyrics.

You sang your self-composed song ‘Dear Diary’ for your solo stage.

After my birthday party, there wasn’t any opportunity to show lots of people my self-composed song. At first, I worried a lot about whether ‘would I be able to sing this song?’. Because the concept for the earlier part of the concert was seductive and alluring aura. I gained courage because Director Shim Jae Won said ‘Because of that, your ‘Dear Diary’ stage is even more special.

I’m curious what kind of meaning you presented to your fans through ‘Dear Diary’.

It’s a song I wrote when I was twenty. It’s also the first song that’s published into the world with my voice only. That’s why I have a lot of affection for it. For this song, I thought, ‘I would sing it somewhere’, but I didn’t know that I’d sing it at the concert. Many fans want it too so I chose it as my solo stage. The song starts off with no accompaniment. I get nervous every time I sing it so I have regrets. I thought, ‘why did I say I was going to sing it without accompaniment?’ (laughs).

The lyrics of ‘Dear Diary’ is so nice.

This is something I’ve wanted to tell the 20-year-old me. Going through trainee life and promoting as Red Velvet, there are times where I find it hard or feel sad. The most difficult period for me was when I was twenty. At that time, I wrote the lyrics while thinking, ‘what is it that I would like to hear from others?’. 

Are you all right now? Have you relieved a lot of the things that made it difficult for you?

Of course. Sometimes it be like this, sometimes it be like that, I mean (laughs).


“I really wanted to create something Jazzy or a Ballad with just soft piano sounds for my solo stage. I felt like it would really draw me into the song. That’s how we chose ‘Light Me Up’.

You sang ‘Light Me Up’ for your solo stage. How did it come to be?

I like songs with feelings that are like ‘Perfect 10’, ‘Kingdom Come’, ‘Light Me Up’, ‘Rose Scent Breeze’. I told Director Shim Jae Won that I want to create something Jazzy or a Ballad with just soft piano sounds for my solo stage. I felt like it would really draw me into the song. That’s how we chose ‘Light Me Up’.

What’s the difference between a stage with the members and solo stage?

The stage was filled together with 5 Red Velvet members and the dance team, and then I was suddenly being left alone behind to sing. Therefore, I felt a huge burden of having to fill energy to not just the stage, but to the audience as well. Moreover, it was immediately after ‘Bad Boy’, so it was a situation where I was gasping for breath, thus I was very nervous.

I think you’d do well even if you put up a performance stage.

I’ve never thought about that at all. During ‘RBB (Really Bad Boy)’, there was a part where I was dancing on my own at the end, I was also nervous for that (laughs). Therefore, I respect Irene unnie, Joy and Seulgi, who put up performances for their solo stages. I don’t have huge confidence in dancing, but it’s gradually getting better with more concerts. I believe there will come a day where I too can put up a performance stage someday.

What’s the charms to Wendy’s dancing?

There’s that feeling that only those who’ve seen it knows, my strength is good. Dance is an art which you express by adding your own feeling on top of the basic foundation. Even though I still lack a little in technique, I am finding my own style. Although there is no right answer to dancing (laughs).



“I’m currently mesmerized by the word “together”. Because, even if I look at concerts, there’s not a thing that’s prepared alone.”

What meaning does Red Velvet’s third concert <La Rouge> hold for you?

Though a fair amount of time has passed, it remains clear to me. I think a third concert is possible because we have our members and fans. Honestly, when the concert venue was decided, I worried the most about whether ‘will that many audiences come?’. But while preparing for the concert, I worked so hard that I forgot about that concern. A concert is really combined effort and time from many people. As an unnie and leader to the Red Velvet members, there were things that I wanted to look after and parts that I wanted to encourage, and I was proud that I was able to keep to that. I have my own resolutions which I cannot tell anyone.

Maybe that is why, I remember you emphasizing the word ‘together’ in the ments during the concert.

That’s right. Even now too, I’m mesmerized by the word “together”. Because, even if I look at concerts, there’s not a thing that’s prepared alone. It’s a final product prepared and created together by our 5 members, dance team and staff. In a way, though it’s like stating the obvious, I felt it even more while preparing for this third concert. I thought that it’d be great if our members know about how I feel, and then going forward, I hope our fans know that too.

I think that is even more of the case because Irene is the eldest unnie and the leader. You feel more responsibility during concert as well, right?

That’s right. The longer the preparation period, the more I feel it. We keep creating things and there are times where we need to learn new stuff. Also, we don’t just sing one song and leave the stage, but instead, we have to do many. We have to completely fill up 2 hours. Sweating together in that long process, I’m bound to gain a sense of responsibility.

Because you’re the leader, I think there’d be some parts where you couldn’t unveil yourself even if it’s been hard for you.

Now that we’ve accumulated a fair amount of years under our belt, we’ve learnt each other’s methods, so I don’t have to pay attention to each and every single thing. As such, there is almost nothing hard to being a leader now. At times when issues arise or when we are at a crossroads, all I do is suggest a direction such as, “Ah, how about we do this? How about doing that?”.

While doing this concert, was there anything Irene would like to praise herself for?

That I worked so hard till I left no regrets. Needless to say about on the stage, but even during the practicing process, I’ve poured so much out that I felt, “Ah, I’ve expressed it this way”. Thus, I thought that a person like me has grown a little. Maybe me looking back into the past and having these thoughts is evidence that I’ve grown.

What was charming about <La Rouge>?

It was a concert that highlights our individual charms. Each of the members put up a stage that we wanted to do, what we are good at, and what we wanted to show Luvies. Seeing as this is our third concert, I feel like we’ve gained composure too.

That’s right. Looking back now, everyone spoke well too. When each of you held the mic, I thought, “they definitely did gain composure”.

I think it’s because we felt reassured as the ones in front of us were people who came to cheer because they wanted to see Red Velvet. I was able to speak more comfortably thinking that everyone here is on my side.

What’s the charms behind performances and concerts? I’m curious about your feelings and moods up above on stage.

 It’s different every time. There are some days where I am immersed into the music, and there are days where I think ‘I need to dance like this’, and want to release my charms to my heart’s content. I have lots of different feelings just by looking at the fans having fun together with us. Even when they listen to the same song, they don’t always feel the same rhythm.

That’s right. Because we all have different ways of enjoying music.

Every song has different beats and there are lots of instruments in them. What we listen to are all different. Because we are dancing, our body moves along with the beat. Some people move along according to the “Ppal-gan-mat! Hey!” part. When you stand on stage, you’ll be able to see all of that. When we look at these kinds of fans’ reactions, we shout louder with excitement at those parts when we sing that song again the next time.

Don’t you gain more composure as years pass? You see fans’ reactions better too.

I couldn’t even have eye contact with the fans in the past (laughs). I either look at the floor, or if there’s an audience, I look somewhere a little above them, that’s how shy I was. I gradually got better after putting on performances and touring around, and now I can enjoy together with them.

There was a total of 4 concepts in the concert. What was your favorite outfit, makeup and appearance?

My favorite was the first stage and first outfit. We did a Tango remake of ‘Ice Cream Cake’, and I like that kind of mood and atmosphere. That is why amongst Red Velvet songs, I like ‘Be Natural’, ‘Peek-A-Boo’, and ‘Bad Boy’. The ‘Ice Cream Cake’ stage this time round is different from the existing image that Red Velvet has. It has a mature feeling, and I even felt like that atmosphere was taking over the stage.

That’s unexpected. Somehow, I feel like you’ll like bright songs.

Of course I do like bright stages too. Ah, I also liked ‘Carpool’ where we held up car-shaped panels with the dancers.

I remember that. You guys each wore sunglasses that fit your individuality and put on a comical stage, it was memorable. While looking at that stage, I was curious whether you guys picked the sunglasses yourselves.

Haha. Director Shim Jae Won brought several sunglasses and we each picked the sunglasses that we want to wear. Maybe that’s why, it became an atmosphere where we enjoyed ourselves naturally with the dancers. I really laughed a lot while joking around and doing actions such as popping.

How heavy were the car-shaped panels like actually?

They’re heavy. There are handles on both sides and we had to keep moving while carrying that. When I carried it slightly, it was of a considerable weight. But it could break easily if we make it light. The dancer unnies went through a lot. Lots of hard work went into that stage. If we crash into each other when we were moving, that would literally be a traffic accident, so we did rock paper scissors to decide on the moving sequence (laughs).


“Every time we prepare for a concert, I always think “Wow, there’s so many great songs in our album.” We completely filled the entire 2-hours with only Red Velvet’s songs.”
What meaning does the <La Rouge> concert hold for Seulgi?

It was an opportunity to showcase new sides of Red Velvet. I believe this is probably something all our members feel. There are many sides that we have not shown all this while, and thus lots of our opinions were reflected. While preparing for the concert, a question we heard during the first meeting was, “What kind of stage do you guys want to do?”. I expressed my opinions to my heart’s content, and because the stage was created with my opinions, I gained more responsibility and became focused. It has a deeper meaning as I felt “this is a concert which we participated in together since the planning stage”. 

I’m curious about what you thought, and the situation during when <La Rouge> concert was confirmed.

I thought, “What should we show this time round?”. At that time, it was a state where nothing had been decided. It was also a period where we released lots of new songs, so I started finding around with the thought, “What song do I want to do?”. I think I felt excited when I listened to our songs in order and pictured how to perform them in my head.

What was the song Seulgi wanted to sing?

‘Kingdom Come’. We’ve always been singing lots of bright songs. Although ‘Kingdom Come’ is not a dark song, it’s quite a different atmosphere to what we’ve been doing. Maybe that is why I wanted to do it more.

By any chance, are there any artistes you’d like to invite as a guest and put on a collaboration stage during the next concert or performance?

Director Shim Jae Won who plans the concert has a strong thinking on “During concerts, let’s showcase stages that only our Red Velvet can do.” So that’s why we don’t have guests nor cover songs at our concerts. I feel that too whenever we prepare for a concert. “Wow, there’s so many great songs in our album.” Because we completely filled the 2-hours with only Red Velvet’s songs, I feel even more proud and I think my level of concentration got higher too.

If you were to pick the charms of <La Rouge> concert, what would it be?

Having the feeling of “Red Velvet can do things like that too?”. Especially the song ‘La Rouge’ and ‘Ice Cream Cake’, stages that were remade into Tango-style, many people will think, “It can be changed like that too?”.  The impact was huge since the beginning of the concert.

Why was it Tango? I’m curious about the reason behind picking the Tango genre out of all the other ideas.

We thought it was the perfect time to do Tango. That kind of alluring appearance. We felt “Now comes the time to show mature sides of ourselves too.” Even amongst the music colors that we carry, there are many songs that fit Tango.
What does Seulgi think about it? Do you think you yourself have matured a lot too?
I’m not sure. In the past, I would approach people first, but as time passes, I become more passive. Seeing as how there’s a limit to the people I meet, I become shy around strangers, and I become more careful. Even so, I’m a much more comfortable and simpler person than you’d think. I have sloppy sides to me as well.

Not ‘Red Velvet Seulgi’, but I’m curious about what kind of person ‘just Seulgi’ is.

I like fun things that are simple and free and easy. I like ‘escape room’ cafes, and I enjoy climbing up the back hill or learning something. So that’s why I learnt to draw with my friend not long ago. I also like to visit popular food places with my friends.

To digress a little, Seulgi is a member that eats well. I’m also curious about how you manage your stamina ahead of concerts or performances.

When the concert approaches, I’ll have no appetite. Food doesn’t go down when I’m nervous. Not sure if it’s a blessing. Because it loses weight on its own during promotion periods (laughs). But if I don’t eat anything at all, my hand would shake, so I eat sweet stuff before my condition turns bad or I try my best not to skip meals.

I heard you’ve good self-management. You mentioned in an interview not long ago that if there’s something you want to eat, you’d eat them to your heart’s content. That means that when you eat, you eat, and when you manage yourself, you work hard on managing, is that right?

Haha. I do gain weight too. But I’m the type to start controlling when I feel, “Ah, I’m heavy”. If I ate a lot of meat on normal days, I’ll eat less of that and eat more salad, or if I can, I try not to eat after 7PM. If I gain weight, I can feel it even if it’s only a 1kg difference.

Such an accurate human scale.

I feel it when I look into the mirror and I also feel it when I dance. Even when I wear clothes, I know right away when the pants fit isn’t right. “So I’ve gained weight, I need to start managing now.” I start exercising since then, and I try to move around more.

‘Dance = Seulgi’ has become official-like to the public. What kind of person do you want people to remember you as? When people discuss ‘Other than dancing, Seulgi’s OO is also excellent’, what do you wish to be mentioned?

Planning. But I always worry about, “Will the fans like what I like too?”. I’m not sure whether what I like is public-friendly or if it’s mania-centric. So that’s why I’d like to plan and try more. That’s how my solo stage ‘Uncover’ came about. We do a concept meeting with the company before Red Velvet releases an album. During that time, I look for something like a reference and gave a lot of my opinions, such as, “I want to try this type of makeup”, “I want to try this hairstyle”. I feel very proud if the reactions to my suggestions are good and fans like them.

Other than the concert, has there been other places where your suggestions were adopted?

The glitter tears in the ‘Psycho’ Music Video became a topic of conversation. That was also an idea I gave too after looking around for references (laughs).

There were lots of stages that made it feel like we were watching a musical. I think it would have been important to combine all aspects of singing, dancing, line of movement, and production. If you were to choose a part where you put most heart and soul into, or a stage that you thought was the most successful, what would it be?

‘La Rouge’ stage. We put up a performance while holding wine glasses, and it was really fun. In a way, the music is like that too, it’s a stage where we could showcase our charms openly. From the look in the eyes to the gestures of the hands. At that time, the wine glasses were plastic. It’s not grape juice, but we substituted wine with purple jelly (laughs).

What’s the difference between a stage with the members and solo stage?

There is a huge burden for solo stages. I thought I was going to do my solo stage in the middle. But the stage was filled with the effect from the LED screen at the back. Doing my stage not in the middle, but at the side, has an effect of focusing on me more. I was fascinated, thinking, “So this is what stage production is about”.

As much as there was a wide variety of stages, many props and outfits were flown in. Do you have a favorite item?

I liked the red outfit for ‘La Rouge’, and I also liked the formal outfit I wore during my solo stage. Actually, I like all. The bubbly outfit we wore at the end was the appearance which fans first saw Red Velvet in. I liked that we were able to show them the us from ‘Happiness’ and ‘Red Flavor’ eras. While performing on stage, I felt, “We really did a lot of things. Our company has also worked hard” (laughs).


“I loved all of the songs we performed at the concert. We were able to show a wide spectrum of different sides from the happy, upbeat “RED” to the mature “VELVET”.”

What meaning does the <La Rouge> concert hold for Wendy?

It’s already our third concert, but I feel so much every time, that even the term ‘happiness-anger-grief-joy’ (T/N: the whole gamut of human emotions) cannot describe how I felt. There were times I felt choked up, and moments where I felt overwhelming emotions that were greater than when I debuted. Because I feel this wide variety of emotions in the whole lot of 2-3 hours, it became an even more unforgettable memory.

Which stage was it that you felt those overwhelming emotions?

All of them. I was really nervous during the first stage. Since it’s the stage that tells the beginning of <La Rouge>. We wore suits during the second velvet-style section. It’s the stage construct that includes all the songs of the genre that I like. After that, we did a fun stage that was like a parade around mainly our title songs. Also, around the end where we did the encore stage, those choking up emotions were overwhelming.

Did you tear up?

I don’t really cry on stage. I used to have a lot of tears in the past, but I think I’ve gotten a lot stronger now (laughs). It was a pleasant overwhelming feeling. Happy feeling.

If you were to pick the charms of <La Rouge> concert, what would that be?

There were defined themes for each section. There were also clear boundaries between “RED” and “VELVET”. It is also a concert that includes lots of the members’ opinions. The members know their own propensity well. So that’s why they gave lots of opinions, and they were integrated everywhere in the concert.

The concert went on for two days. What’s the difference between the first and second day?

Usually, I’ll be more familiar with the stage on the second day as compared to the first day, so I do it with more enjoyment. But my father came to watch the second day this time round. Ever since debut, there weren’t many times where my parents personally came to see my performances. Even my debut stage was watched through the TV. So with the thought that I was going to sing in front of my father, I think I was more nervous on the second day. My father likes genres such as Jazz and R&B, and my solo stage has just that feeling.

Did you see your father from the stage?

I heard that our acquaintances are seated in front of the sub stage. So I tried looking for my father from time to time during the concert, but I couldn’t find him in the end. I think I focused on the performances while thinking, “My acquaintances are around that area I guess?”.

What was your favorite thing while preparing for this concert?

I like them all. I liked the concept <La Rouge>, and I also loved all the songs we performed at the concert. I think not only were we able to show a wide spectrum of different sides from the happy “RED”, we were also able to show the mature “VELVET”. I think it’s also our first time showing such alluring sides of ourselves as well.

The aura also switched as you guys changed your clothes. What was Wendy’s concept preference?

The stages we did as we wore suits. ‘Be Natural’, ‘Automatic’, ‘Perfect 10’, ‘Kingdom Come’, and ‘Bad Boy’ are all the genres that I like. There’s also my solo stage (laughs). Other than promotions for ‘Be Natural’, we haven’t worn much suits, I liked that we were able to show cool and new sides to ourselves through the suits.

While preparing for the concert, were there any ideas from Wendy?

I gave ideas for my solo stage (laughs). I have 200% trust in Director Shim Jae Won. All the stage constructs and ideas that he plans are amazing. On top of that, he even takes care of the little details, thus always resulting in a nice outcome, so I put faith and followed him for the other stages.

What kind of effort did you put in to show new sides of yourself which you have not shown before?

I learnt new choreographies and immersed myself into the performances. During the concerts, if I equip the in-ear, not only can I hear the music, I can also clearly hear the bass, drums, piano, and even sounds that couldn’t be heard normally. If I can memorize the dance precisely, I would be able to be immersed into that distinct music, and literally be able to dance while being absorbed into the performance. I love that feeling.

But at times, you do take off your in-ear when you sing.

In-ear is a device that allows you to hear all the sounds that are in the venue. I can even hear the sounds of the fans’ cheers softly. When I hear my voice too clearly, I feel a little burdened. I’d then take out one side of the in-ear and sing when that happens. I also do that when I want to hear the fans’ cheers a little more loudly.

Amongst the wide variety of props and outfits, which was your favorite item?

Like I’ve mentioned before, I really liked when we wore suits, and I also like the sunglasses I wore during ‘Carpool’. I don’t know why, but I gain confidence when I wear sunglasses. Because it’s a song that has a feeling of ‘let’s go somewhere’, I had even more fun, and I had the feeling that we were really going to travel somewhere.

Was there anything you felt regretful about after the concert ended?

During the ‘Carpool’ stage, I was prepared to pop the enormous firecrackers around the timing when the music was ending. Not sure if it’s because of the lack of strength, I wasn’t able to pop that. I practiced it during the rehearsal too, what a pity.

Have you made any mistakes?

There was one where I missed the timing. I was so immersed into dancing during ‘Hit That Drum’, that the dancers grabbed my hand and dragged me along (laughs).


“Compared to the stadium, I’m really just a tiny part. I poured my heart and soul into ‘How and what can I do to communicate well with our fans?’”

What meaning does the <La Rouge> concert hold for Joy? Is there a message you’d like to convey to fans?

I want to tell them everything from what I liked, to and what I actually felt. Concerts are the best places and opportunities for close and tight-knit communication with fans. Aside from the physical and mental exhaustion, I liked that we could be closer to Luvies. It’s meaningful that we were able to communicate a lot.

It’s good to be able to hear such an appropriate amount of Joy’s thoughts. While preparing for the concert, were you exhausted because there were so many schedules?

There were many schedules, and usually when we prepare for title tracks, we learn the choreography for over 2 weeks for that one song. If we want to do the concerts, we need to memorize choreographies for more songs in a short amount of time. I have psychological pressure in regards to that. Compared to the other members, I’m not quick in memorizing the dances. I want to understand each and every movement precisely, but I can’t do that so that’s pitiful.

That’s because everyone has their own speed.

Secondly, there’s a weakness that I’d like to fix. Different to how I’m like on broadcasts, I am very shy with strangers, and it takes longer than expected for me to open my heart. Other than the dance team, there are many other staff during a concert. I wasn’t able to be closer to those people as we had to quickly prepare for the concert so that’s pitiful.

That kind of pressure and worry is huge, how was it? Were you able to wrap that up well?

As much pressure there is, I feel even more proud after I’ve accomplished it. I’m satisfied with everything. We practiced for around 3 weeks, and would bring this concert that we’ve prepared for, to many countries and cities. Maybe that’s why I wanted to prepare even more perfectly for it.

If you were to pick the charms of <La Rouge> concert, what would that be?

That we were able to show clearly the two Red and Velvet sides that we’ve been emphasizing since our debut.

The front section of the concert was ‘Velvet concept’, and the back section was ‘Red concept’. Which stage and outfit was memorable for you?

My individual performance stage was the most memorable (for me). Decorating the stage with 5 people and then doing it alone was very difficult. Although it was nice as I had everyone’s attention. For outfits, I like the white top and denim pants I wore for ‘Butterflies’.

That’s unexpected. Somehow, I thought you’d choose the Tango clothes worn at the beginning. Your hairpin was eye catching as well.

Ah, of course that was pretty as well. But compared to the mature image that Tango has, I prefer the casual feeling.

I heard you’re not the type to get nervous. Was it like that too for this concert? Are there moments where Joy feels nervous too?

I’m a human too, so I do get nervous. But I’m the type to not show it. I work hard to turn that nervous tension into a joyous mood. The nervous moment is exhausting and frustrating. Even when I go up on stage in a nervous state, before I know it, that has turned into excitement and I’m having fun. Maybe I enjoy riding on that thrilling line.

When I look at Joy’s stage, I don’t get the feeling that you’re nervous at all. You said your ment “Everyone knows who I am, right? It’s Joy” nonchalantly. Seems like Joy is an artiste that is good at performing.

I’m the type to be good during the actual situation. When I was young, I’d hide what’s inside of me. I was very shy and bashful, and I was very shy with strangers. I dare not take it out of me, would clutch it with me, and then when I enter the stage, it comes out as I go ‘Now’s the time!’. It doesn’t even come out that much during practice (laughs).

Was that ment thought on the spot then?

Ah, that was discussed thoroughly and decided at the meeting. Because we can’t have overlaps. But I had lots of concerns before I said it. I was shy, and I was also worried if it’s going to be funny.

Really? You did the best and was the most memorable for me.

I may not look like it, but I’m the model student type. I’m also serious. I was worried, thinking ‘what if this stage that I prepared hard for gets made fun of?’. No matter who sees it, saying “Watch Out! Or you might get hurt” in the middle of the concert is funny (laughs).  But I was able to show a side of me that was different to normal days through this ment, so I decided to do my best. 

In the first VCR where we met ‘A different level of me’, the story starts with Joy. What was your thoughts when you first saw the storyboard?

There is a person at the center of the story in every concert. The story of <Red Room> came about from Yeri’s room, and Irene unnie was the main character for <REDMARE>. I’m the center of the story this time round, and the reason was because I was able to bring to life the alluring feeling in the first section. I thought I had to perform well to live up to the expectations.

You must have had several thoughts when you saw the planning for the VCR then. Because you had to act in an empty space with no one around.

I thought a lot about ‘how should I do it so that it’s natural?’. So I tried to focus while thinking back on the experiences I had when I filmed dramas in the past. But I kept bursting into laughter if I made eye contact with the members (laughs).

You picked cute round sunglasses for ‘Carpool’. Was there a reason why you chose those sunglasses?

I normally like classic things, but I want to stand out on stage. I picked the sunglasses because its shape is unique, but people saw that and said it looks like iPhone camera (laughs). I’m satisfied that it leaves a memory for people even if it’s that way. 

Was there any effort you put in to show new sides of yourself which you have not shown before?

I cut my fringe. I’ve always stuck to having no fringe, so this was a huge resolution. There’s a prejudice that cutting the fringe would equal to less maturity. I myself want to break that prejudice too. I researched a lot on what hairstyle to do, and I didn’t want the styling to be typical. I also had lots of meetings with the stylist unnie. I worked hard in adding a little more mature moods to everything such as expression, gestures, and action.

Thus it was a stage where we could see your efforts in the tiny details in expression and gestures etc. Were there other parts which you were attentive about?

I poured most of my heart and soul into “How and what can I do to communicate well with our fans?”. For choreographies, I just have to practice them, but communication with fans happens impromptu in the stadium. Compared to the stadium, I’m really just a tiny part. Of course, there are screens at the back of the stage, but perhaps the fans who are further away wouldn’t really be able to see me clearly because I’m very small. Even so, I wanted to convey energy even to those fans who are far away.

So what did you do?

First of all, I made eye contacts with everyone in front of me. I feel like that is how I can convey the stage’s feeling. I did eye contacts till the point where you’d think, “She’s so bold?”. For the fans at the back, I try my best to make big actions, and expressed that “I’m here” with my whole body while waving my hands.

Ah, so was that why you threw the balls far back?

I gained this strange competitiveness. I wanted to throw them further so that I don’t lose to the other members (laughs).

Do you remember the fans’ slogan event? There was an event where planes were flying from all directions, what did you think about it?

Red Velvet concert is where we invite audiences to showcase the stages we’ve prepared, and to give them energy. When I see the event that Luvies prepared, I felt like we were the ones gaining energy instead. I felt like we got closer and were communicating, and I also look forward to that moment.


“’Is that singer really looking at me?’ Surprisingly, this is really true. I find myself making eye contact with each one of our fans. And, I can even see what kind of faces they’re making.”

How did you feel when the third concert <La Rouge> was confirmed?

I think this during every concert, “This might be our last concert”. So I always do the concert as if it’s the last. And then when the concert gets confirmed, my first thought was, “Ah, we get to do another concert. I’m happy!” (laughs).

If you were to pick the charms of <La Rouge> concert, what would that be?

Out of the concerts we’ve put on, this is the concert that reflected the most of our members’ opinions. From the set list, to the stage construct, atmosphere, and outfits, each one was put together with all our opinions. We were able to put out things that we wanted to do to our heart’s content, and I think there’s a lot for the fans to see. I personally think it’s a really interesting concert.

Out of the many things to see, what was the most charming element?

Many people will be reminded of an alluring, seductive atmosphere. If I were to pick the most charming point, that would be it. When we first prepared for the concert, my resolution was to “practice with fun and decorate the stage with fun”. Of course I do like the concerts we’ve put on in the past, but having to practice over 20 songs in a short amount of time is an exhausting schedule both physically and mentally. Even so, the practice period this time round is longer in comparison, so I felt less pressure.

How long did you guys prepare for this concert?

We practiced with composure for about a month. Not sure but maybe that is why it was more fun. Definitely because we practiced with fun, that was brought onto the stage as well.

Was there a moment in <La Rouge> when you felt shudders running through your body?

I got goosebumps when I sang and walked along the runway stage during ‘Bing Bing’. Though I’ve done many countless concerts, it was my first time feeling that emotion.

Which part was it that you felt that emotion?

When I went to watch concerts in the past, I thought a lot, “Is that singer really looking at me?”. Surprisingly, this is really true. I find myself making eye contact with each one of our fans. And, I can even see what kind of faces they are making. I guess I felt touched at those moments.

I think Yeri had to go up and down the stairs a lot, have you perhaps made any mistakes on stage?

Right after performing ‘Be Natural’ and ‘Automatic’ with formal wear, was my solo stage ‘Dear Diary’. I thought about “how should I add an alteration to it?”, and put Velcro on my skirt. Because I could put it on and take it off quickly. Thanks to that, I was able to give the feeling like I’ve changed my outfit just by putting a skirt above my pants. I practiced countless times in the process, and overcame lots of trials and errors, but I still make mistakes at times. I made a mistake during our Japan concert that was held not long ago. The skirt came off while I was going up the stairs. So I just threw the skirt away (laughs). I acted as if nothing happened, and I sang calmly as I went up the stairs. There was a photo of it, and I like it. I think it also suits the image of ‘Dear Diary’ which I have in mind (laughs).

If there was phrase that you relate to the most in the lyrics of your solo stage ‘Dear Diary’, what would it be?

There’s lyrics that goes like, “I hope it’s not patting or pushing”. I write lyrics in my handphone in the notes whenever I have time. There are times where I think, “This is it, this is daebak”. This lyric was like that (laughs). Every person has a different way of speech and method of expression. I’m human too, so there are times where I get hurt from someone’s words, and I think I was able to express how I felt at that time well.

How was Yeri’s 20 years old?

I’ve received many questions that asked, “What do you think will change when you reach 20?”. If I think about it carefully, I’m not sure why 20 years old is special. There’re only a few days of difference between December of 19 years old and January of 20 years old, and I wondered if there would be any big changes for me. As I receive more of those questions, I thought, “I need to write a song for the 20 year old me”. So I had a memo in my handphone that was titled ‘To Twenty’, and I wrote the lyrics for a few months. 20 years old was hectic and tough for me. When I look back at it now, I think 20 years old Yerim was a kid who was very hard to understand. While writing this song, I spent time knowing myself, and learnt the method to comfort myself.

You looked really professional when you were inducing the fans’ response during your solo stage. That’s because you accumulated experience with more concerts, right?

Starting from concerts in Korea, we then toured around the world. Half a year then passed. As I put on more performances, the attitude I have towards performing becomes more serious and friendlier. I think the experience that I’ve accumulated was shown in this concert.

I think your vocals have improved. I think you’d have lots of thoughts when you practice singing.

My thoughts and perspective towards singing has changed a lot from when I was a trainee, during debut, and now. I didn’t have a lot of confidence during debut. My role was sub-rapper, and I thought, “Would I be able to sing too?”. I was not the trainee who just liked to dance and sing anymore. As time passes and I have more time to think alone, I realized, “Everyone can sing”. Everyone has a voice, and spitting that sound out, that’s singing. I gradually improved with the thinking that anyone can sing, started composing, and now I sing with fun.

I’m curious about what kind of song Yeri wants to make the next time.

I have lots of unreleased songs. ‘Unreleased song’ made it sound a little better than they actually are (laughs). I write lyrics whenever I have time. I write when I’m on rest days, and I also write from time to time during schedules. I have many lyrics that are written like that. I am also curious about what kind of story I am going to tell. I am going to continue writing songs in the future, and I hope many people will listen to them if they get published.

Fan’s slogan event, do you remember it? What did you think when you saw what was written on it?

Of course I remember. Actually, I knew that the fans were going to do an event. Despite that, I felt choked up and teared up because of Luvies’ heart, and the atmosphere at that time. Knowing in advance didn’t mean that I’d feel less touched. So that’s why I look forward to it every time.

Is there anything that you thought, “I must do this after the busy concert schedule ends!”? I am also curious if you’ve accomplished that.

I have three goals for the year 2020. Learning English, playing the guitar, and constantly writing songs. I would like to abide to them no matter what.

Red Velvet is already a group in its 6th year. Time flies, right?

I still can’t believe it, what do you mean 6 years have passed. Even if I think, “We’ve done a lot of things”, 6 years felt like a fairly long time, but when I look back, it has gone by in a flash. I’m just thankful that I can do music in a good environment.

Chapter 03 – Behind The Red Curtain

A place where the beauty of imperfection lies. The story behind the curtains that the audience cannot see.



“As a singer, and as a human, it was a time where I was able to learn many things. While learning the dance from the choreographer, I felt, “Ah, so this is how the dance feels when it’s danced like that”. And I actually tried to express what I learnt on stage. It’s a very small difference and a subtle movement, so other people might not know it. But I like them even more, knowing that these little efforts would be able to fill the stage with more abundance. Thus, I think it’s unforgettable.”


“When doing my solo stage, the screen at the back showed explanations about my performance. At first, I was the one who wrote those words. Then the words were shown on the screen during rehearsal, and my handwriting was so cute. It was really funny how my round handwriting was saying ‘I am wearing a mask’. I thought the audience would not be able to concentrate, so I said, ‘just use computer typing please’, and it was changed during the last rehearsal. Same goes for the title of my solo stage, ‘Uncover’.”


“But when it came to the rehearsal day, I was calm. While thinking, ‘So this is the venue where we’ll be doing our concert’. It didn’t feel real until it was filled with people. No, there was no spare time to have other thoughts. I was fully occupied with the thought that ‘I should not make any mistakes’. It was a different feeling from during the rehearsal, and I was busy memorizing where to move. Because I’m actually bad at directions (laughs).”


“We always practice at the practice room, and will only be able to confirm where to move on the day of the rehearsal. Walking into the huge stadium with no audience, I’d be able to feel the ‘energy’. In order to not lose and be overpowered to that energy, I had a fight with it on my own. I then looked at it thoroughly and pictured the performances in my head. While imagining the moment it’s being filled full of audiences during the show.”


“Many people are curious and thinks, ‘Red Velvet is doing a concert. I wonder what kind of stages they’re going to do?’. I feel burdened knowing that there are many people watching us and are interested in us. In order to shake off that burden, I’m the type to only focus on my goal while preparing for the concert. My goal for this time is to ‘have fun on stage’.”


Hello. I’m Irene. Did our Luvies watch the concert well. How was it? The process of preparation was so fun and exciting for me. More than anything, standing in front of you guys in the stadium. I think I was even more excited and nervous to show you guys what Red Velvet had prepared. Thank you for spending time with Red Velvet. Let’s always be together. 


It was a concert where I was very nervous while preparing new sides of me. How would you guys see it…will it leave a good memory for you guys…it was a concert which I practiced with worry and excitement for around a month? I looked up fan accounts because I was curious, and there were a lot that said it was fun! It’s only the beginning, Luvies!! I recharged my confidence thanks to Luvies, so I’ll show even more fun and cool stages~! I’ll be Red Velvet that receives every heart that cheers on us preciously, and convey a different energy to everyone. Thank you and I love you, Luvies. 


Our lovely Luvies! Thank you for doing La Rouge with us Red Velvet this time too💙. It was only possible because there are Luvies 💙. Please take care of us in the future too >_< 
Together 🧡 Forever 🧡


Hello  I’m Joy  We showed you guys different sides to ourselves in this concert. Thank you so so much for liking it, contrary to my worry.  You guys know that the whole reason why we can perform, sing, and dance like this is because of Luvies, right..? Thank you so so much for always believing in us, waiting for us, and cheering on us. ♡ Let’s be like that in the future too. ♡ I love you. ♡


ReVeluv. ♥ Luvies, I’m Yerim! The Korea concert has ended, and we are in the midst of touring! Because you guys are always looking at us and being by our side, I think I will also be able to do it again the next time. Love you 



“While preparing for the concert, we got to know each other better and I spent some time thinking about my relationship with each of them. ‘Our time spent together was that good’ is what I want to tell the other members.”

You’ll get thirsty as you do the concert. Are there any drinks you drink when you feel thirsty in the middle of the concert? I’m worried because I think you drink less as compared to the other members. I heard you don’t really drink coffee either.

Ah, that’s right. I can’t drink coffee, so I drink a little water during the concert. Actually, I don’t really drink much water on normal days as well. I was so thirsty during this concert that I was desperate for cola. Cola has that unique cool refreshing feeling. The feeling of the throat opening. Some people will say, “Wouldn’t that make you thirstier?”, but I just like that feeling.

You said you’re the type to write diaries and leave memos of the happenings in your day. Do you still write memos these days?

I haven’t been able to jot down these days. I opened my memos recently, and they’re mainly schedules related to work. I mostly write down what I should do on rest days. Exercising or lessons, or the hospital which I haven’t been able to go, or visiting the bank (laughs).

Is there are reason why you busy yourself so much even on rest days?

One of my goals for 2019 was “live diligently”. My new goal for 2020 is “have a relaxed mind”. I try not to be obsessed over something or have alternating feelings of both happy and sad over it, like I was in the past. In the past, I would be stressed when things don’t go as planned, so now I’m going to have a relaxed mind. It’s possible for things to not go as I want or planned, I guess. If I can’t do those things, now, I can just do them next time. 

It feels like you have a more relaxed mind now as compared to before.

Yes. I think it’s been like that since the end of 2019. I think I’ve now grasped the tricks to managing myself enough, even if I don’t push myself hard. Of course, I do work hard on exercising now too. But I’ve now decided to not be very stressed even if I can’t do the exercise on that day.

That’s a good direction. Actually, the next question after the memo one was going to be, ‘what memo did you write down on the day the concert ended?’.

Ah, I haven’t written any memos since the concert ended (laughs). But if I were to write my feelings of that day, it’d be similar to what I’ve said earlier. “You’ve worked hard. Was good that we did it together.”

What are you like when the concert approaches? Are you the type to be very nervous?

Yes, I get nervous. When the time approaches for me to get on stage, my body shakes from nervousness, and I get this strange feeling like my tummy hurts. But it was better this time round. First of all, it was different right from my attitude of “Let’s show everything that I’ve practiced”. Though I was nervous on the first day because it’s our first show, and we’ve prepared it for a long time, I got better as time passes.

Does your nervousness go away after 1 hour into the show?

No. It didn’t go away even after 1 hour. I got a lot better as a few more minutes passed. Rather than saying I got better, I think it’d be more accurate to say that I became more focused on the stage. After that, my nervousness melted away.

I’m curious about what it’s like back stage.

It’s hectic. It’s a mess (laughs). Back stage is just a mess. We change quickly in that instantaneous moment. While watching the VCR, many people thought that time was very long. It’s absolutely not the case. Because the route from the stage to the waiting room was very long. When we reach the waiting room, we have to change out of the clothes, wear another set of outfits, and because we sweat, we have to wipe the sweat too. We have to fix the makeup, and also change the hairstyle. It’s not normal to do all of these in 3~4 minutes.

Then does Irene keep moving around busily as well?

I need to help out too. I either take off the earrings or I use the hair clipper to clip my hair up. The most important thing is how fast I run (laughs). So when the stage ends, I ran in first place. I ran really hard (laughs). Because if I’m late, there wouldn’t be enough time!

You need to drink a mouth of cola during that time too (laughs).

That’s right. I need to drink cola, and need to let the fan blow me so that the sweat can cool off. Because there’s body heat and I keep sweating, I don’t feel refreshed even if I was wiped with wet tissue. I wouldn’t be able to put on the clothes well either. Fortunately, it was different for this concert. Because we each have our own individual stages, other members have more time to prepare in that meantime. If it was around 3 minutes usually, this time we have around 7 minutes. It’s a short time, but I felt relaxed in it.

Amongst the episodes that happened during the concert, was there anything that was interesting even if you think back now?

For the concert this time round, there’s the main stage, middle stage, and then if you walk forward, there’s a sub stage. Because there are many stages, the timings to go here and there are confusing. So I was dragged by the dancers. If someone pulls me while I was dancing, I’ll just let them drag me along. If it was in the past, I’d warp my head around blaming myself and think, “Ah, I missed the timing again!”, but now I find that interesting. What’s it matter if I miss a little timing to move. Now I find fun in that kind of mistakes too.

You mentioned that you work hard on exercising earlier, was that of any help in performing at the concert?

It helps. Even though I am the eldest unnie, I’m not the type to tire out easily (laughs).

Was there a moment where you felt choked up or was holding in your tears?

When we were each talking about our thoughts on the concert, and also during the encore stage. Especially the songs we sang during encore such as ‘Time To Love’ or ‘Somethin Kinda Crazy’, there are lyrics that makes you choke up. But I held it in. I usually have lots of tears. But I don’t want to show that in front of other people. Though I can’t help it when I’m in pain (laughs).

Did your family or friends go for the concert? What did they say to you?

I always invite my friends for the first day, and my mom and her friends on the second day. Hahaha. I’m nervous on the first day because it’s the first time and also since I could make mistakes, I hoped my mom would come for the second day. My mom came with her friends this time round too. My mom felt very proud as she showed to her friends, “My daughter prepared a lot for this performance”. My mom and her friends hugged me tight without saying anything. Because they are people who have seen me growing up.

What about your friends?

My nickname is ‘Cabbage’ (Baechu) which derives from my name ‘Bae Joo Hyun’. Instead of bringing a flower bouquet, my friends brought a cabbage bouquet. Below it was a childish phrase that said, “You’re the best amongst all the cabbages”. They hang that around their necks, took a group photo and said they watched it well. I’m thankful to my friends for taking time out to come watch the concert. 

How do you feel about successfully completing the third concert?

Did we complete it successfully (laughs)? What I know for sure is that I really had fun. It was even better because I did it with good people and with Luvies. 

Please say something to the members too.

It’s been 6 years already. As much as we’ve understood each other well and taken care of each other, there are times where we’ve clashed. But it’s not a bad thing to coordinate our opinions. It’s really important to say each other’s thoughts and then think about how to solve them. That’s how we become closer. While preparing for the concert, we got to know each other better and I spent time thinking about my relationship with each of them. ‘Our time spent together was that good’ is what I want to tell the other members. 

What’s a very small goal for Irene in the year 2020?

Live with a relaxed mind.


“I saw the reviews from our fans after the concert. Reviews like “It was fun”, “I want to go again” and more. The five of us cherish each other dearly. I just want to say thank you for making such an incredible stage happen.”

What does Seulgi think is charming about concerts?

The fact that the place is filled with people on my side. Though it’s not right to make mistakes, even if I do, they look at me with lovely eyes. So though I go up on stage feeling nervous at the beginning, I relax at some point and see each person’s eyes. I feel strange when they look at us with heart-shaped eyes, and I thought that I should do even better, and all the more I want to show them different sides of myself. 

I think one would make mistakes when they become excited.

That’s right. There are times where I was so engrossed in shaking hands with Luvies, throwing the balls and greeting them, that I forgot to sing. I was like that this time. We were so busy throwing the balls to Luvies that none of us sang. After that stage ended, I only found out when Director Jae Won said, “Even so, you guys need to sing, ain’t that right?” (laughs). Though there were those kinds of mistakes, it’s cute. It’s also the beauty of concert.

How was it for you as the concert approached? You mentioned that you were so nervous and shook so much that you couldn’t eat well.

Yes, that’s right. So that’s why I manage myself in order to not get sick. Because it’d be a huge problem if I’m sick as the concert approaches. I always make sure to drink an energy drink 10 minutes before the concert. While drinking, I’ll think, “I will pour all my energy out on stage after drinking this, let’s not make this kind of mistake”, I’d do some image training by closing my eyes and imagining. Once I went up on stage without the energy drink, and my body was really tired. I also sweated like crazy. Maybe I’m relying on these little things like a jinx. Because I’m that nervous (laughs).

You even do image training in that short amount of time.

I think mind control is important. That’s why I create the best conditions before the concert. I spray perfume to make myself feel good, and I also go to the lavatory beforehand. I’ll only be able to feel relaxed if I’m in the condition to be able to go on stage at once.

Though you are able to have that composure before the concert, when the show starts, you’d need to change your clothes in 3 minutes and prepare for the next stage.

It’s just hectic during that time (laughs). I just move as my body leads me. Back stage is a mess, and I have hair that gets puffier as time passes. So depending on what hairstyle I have, you’d be able to see the hairstyle go astray in all directions in the latter half of the concert (laughs).

I think it’ll get worse if you sweat?

That’s right. But if I pay attention to the hairstyle, I won’t be able to pay much attention to changing my clothes or fixing my makeup, so I kind of give it up till a certain extent (laughs). After one stage ends and we return to the waiting room, each member has about two staff helping them. Changing the clothes, touching up the hair, or fixing the makeup. Since we have five members, we take turns to fix up so it’s almost like a warzone.

Did you make any mistakes during the concert?

I didn’t really have any. Other than my braided hair gradually getting looser and then ultimately falling apart completely in the latter part (laughs). But I won’t know how I look like when I’m performing. I could only feel my hair getting messier and touch it with my hand, but because I can’t see it, it bothers me more.

I’m curious about whether you have any interesting anecdotes or memorable events that happened while preparing for the concert.

Mm, I found the concept ment “I’m Seulgi. The one that can make you be in the heat with just a little gesture. What an amazing night! It’s because this place is filled with amazing crowd, right?” very cringeworthy. Haha. I had lots of concerns when this was first decided. Because it’s my first time doing anything like that. Also because I have to say it out personally (laughs). Wendy and I put the paper down on a table at home and agonized over it for a few days, going, “How do we do this?”. And then I watched a scene from the movie <Chicago> and gained an idea. At first, I was very awkward saying “Hi, I’m Seulgi!”, but I became more thick-skinned as time passes. I think the concert became more fun thanks to this ment.

Watching the concert performances, I think everyone acts naturally on stage.

That’s right. Now, no one feels conscious. I think everyone thinks, “I’m the main character for this stage! Think of it as a musical piece! I’m playing that role!”.

Were there any interesting episodes from the VCR filming?

I laughed a lot during the filming of the first VCR. Although it looked like the time stopped on the screen, we had to act that out. We had to look at each other and then stop all of a sudden, so we laughed and thus there were a lot of NGs. Later on, we told each other “You look at the middle of my forehead. I’ll look at your philtrum.”, and that was how we completed filming.

I liked the second VCR too. The members having fun and partying on the bed.

Wasn’t it natural. The filming was easy too. All we had to do was just jump around in that space and the camera director does the filming (laughs). Music started playing from somewhere and the members started dancing suddenly. Those comical dances also appeared in the VCR.

Seems like you’ve thought of actually having a fun party with the members. There was a scene of champagne popping, was it real alcohol?

Unfortunately, it was just soda (laughs). The members were joking at the filming site, “Mm, it’s soda. Would be great if it’s real alcohol!”

Was there any choreography that you found tough, or a moment where you were confused with the line of movement?

Ah, there was a part where I was dancing on the main stage, and then suddenly appearing on the second floor during the second verse. I had to run there hurriedly and then quickly go down to the main stage again. But I really couldn’t do it during practice at the beginning, and then I finally grasped the method. I had to almost fly up and then back to the main stage. While gasping hard for breath (laughs).

It’s already Red Velvet’s 6th year. How about looking back at the past 6 years?

Now, the members know what each other are thinking at first glance. Instead of being nervous on stage, we now enjoy it. We try to challenge ourselves in newer things. Just seeing as how we insert ments here and there or inducing reactions by saying “Scream! Sing together!”, we’ve gained quite some composure. Hahaha.

You’ve gained composure with the accumulation of experience.

Up until the second concert, Director Jae Won would say, “It’d be great to have this type of ment at this part. Seulgi, try it.”, but this time round, I found myself screaming without realizing it. The feeling of ‘Red Flavor’ which Red Velvet did in the early days and the ‘Red Flavor’ now is probably very different.

Isn’t that because you’ve gained your own know-how? Are you now able to memorize the line of movement while looking at the camera’s position?

Hahaha. I still can’t find the camera. If the camera is filming me, I get flustered till the point where I don’t know what I should do. So I just sing while looking at the fans. Since there are Luvies in all directions. They’ll like it no matter I do (laughs).

Do you have anything to say to the staff who’ve worked hard?

I’m always thankful to the dance team unnies. They’re unnies with overwhelming energy, so they always create an uplifting atmosphere. For the staffs preparing the sets, props, and outfits, they took care of even the tiniest details, so I’m thankful for that. I think the gathering of these beads of sweat was what made this stage shine.

Please say something to the Red Velvet members too.

We’ve worked hard and let’s work hard in the future too. Actually, concert is a fight with your condition. One person’s condition could influence the majority. Everyone knows that well, and so we take care of ourselves well. I saw the reviews from our fans after the concert. I feel proud as there are lots of reviews like “It was fun”, “I want to go again” and more. The five of us cherish each other dearly. I just want to say thank you for making such an incredible stage happen.


“Behind all the fancy stages, there must’ve been so much time and effort put into the process. And words cannot describe how grateful I am to each and every one of our staff for making our concert <La Rouge> happen through their endless days and nights of hard work. Thank you.”

What’s the difference between when you were practicing and during the actual show?

There is a 2-floored castle on the right side of the stage. I saw the castle for the first time during the rehearsal, and I was shocked because it was much larger than I’d expected. During practice, Director Shim Jae Won would hand out printouts that had lyrics and the stage construct on them, and tell us to memorize them after checking with our own methods. He said that BoA sunbaenim and TVXQ sunbaenims also prepared for concerts after memorizing like this. I, too, memorized by doing numberings for each stage, and never got any line of movement wrong at all (laughs).

Do you remember the first day of rehearsal you did on stage before the show?

After having been practicing only at the practice room, and then facing the stage for the first time, the feeling is really different. Although I knew that there was a middle stage and sub stage, I didn’t know they were that far. The feeling of the lines of movement is also different during practice and rehearsal. We usually familiarize ourselves with the lines of movement once the day before the concert, and then check them one more time on the actual day. On the second day, we take time to review once again the things that were lacking or confusing on the first day.

Are you the type to be nervous on stage?

I get extremely nervous (laughs). Till the extent where my hands and feet get cold. Before going on stage, when the cue “Standby!” drops, from that point on, I start to get nervous till I don’t know what to do. In the past, I’d get so nervous till I could feel the ‘brrr’ from my trembling. On top of that, the first song for this concert was ‘Ice Cream Cake’, and it was intense because it’s a Tango-remake stage. There’s a mirror in front of me when I practice, but during the concert, the mirror was replaced by a sea of fans, so I was even more nervous. 

Does Wendy have her own method of managing her physical fitness or health as the concert approaches?

If I feel a limit to my physical fitness while I was practicing, I’ll return to the dorm early, take a hot shower and lie down. I think I’ve learnt the method to judging when I need to rest, and rest well. 

That’s right. Because you need to rest when you’re tired, so that you can have the strength to practice again.

That becomes a habit and the body gets accustomed to it. If I practice dancing when I have no strength, I’ll end up dancing with no strength on stage as well too. So that’s why even when I practice, I treat it like I’m on a real stage and dance with all my strength. 

How do you take care of your throat?

In the past when I couldn’t sing well, I gain an unyielding spirit, thinking, “I’ll make sure to succeed no matter what in the part where I went out of tune”. I overdo myself and that hurt my throat. Anyway, I think if I want to sing well, there’s no other way other than to practice a ton while threading on the thin line of not overexerting myself.

Are there any drinks you enjoy drinking to take care of your throat?

I drink yuja-tea. Because I get the feeling like the sticky yuja-cheong is coating my throat tenderly. I like it so much that I drank it when I recorded songs, and also drank it during concerts at a period of time. But at some point, I thought, “Am I relying too much on yuja-tea?”. Though yuja-tea makes my body and mind relax, I thought that I shouldn’t be relying on it too much, and so starting from then, I’ve been devoting myself more into singing practice.

While going through trainee period and promoting as Red Velvet, I think your vocal color and singing method have changed little by little.

They have changed a lot. In the past, I used to sing with my ‘chest voice’ and a singing method that uses my throat, and that would strain the vocal (cords). The members have said before, “The method of singing and style you use now is better, but you also had your own unique feeling in the past, so that was nice”. Right now as Red Velvet’s Wendy, and as human Shon Seungwan, I am in the midst of finding my own color. It is also my assignment moving forward.

I felt a deep meaning in the time you guys talked to the fans during the concert.

The members who were quieter on stage are starting to talk more now too. Everyone has their own amount of time that they need to open their mouth to talk. If I think, “Seems like this member has something they want to say?”, I’ll look at that person softly. Then they will start talking at some point. Now I just have to look at the members’ eyes to know.

Do you have any genres you’d like to try at the next concert?

I want to try a fun hip-hop stage with the members. Though it’s a new genre, somehow, I feel like we will do well. Because there is nothing our members cannot do (laughs).

Do you remember the fans’ slogan event?

Of course. “Us being together is what makes this night become perfect” and “Our memories are vividly contained inside those shining times eternally” are lyrics from ‘Ladies Night’. It’s a song we’ve sang a lot in V Live, did the Luvies feel that feeling too when they listened to the song? Despite it being lyrics that we know of, it’s a different feeling when fans prepare events for us like this.

What kind of emotions did you feel?

We are just doing what we like, and I’m infinitely grateful to Luvies for liking that side of us. “Our memories last forever” are words that we should be saying more to them instead, but the fans said it first so I’m deeply ashamed of myself. How should I express this feeling of gratitude?

You’ve said that there’s a long route to go as a singer, you’re too humble.

There are lots of idol groups when you switch on the TV. Although Red Velvet also has a wide variety of sides and charms, when I look at other groups, they have their own colors and strengths. I want to do better and show more sides of myself.

How do you feel about successfully completing the concert <La Rouge>?

I think it wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for Luvies, and also the staffs. Thanks to them, we were able to put up perfect stages and showcase good songs, and the reason why we can promote under the name Red Velvet. Behind all the fancy stages, there must’ve been so much time and effort put into the process. And words cannot describe how grateful I am to each and every one of our staff for making our concert <La Rouge> happen through their endless days and nights of hard work. Thank you.

Please say something to the Red Velvet members too.

The weight of our own struggles is very different. Thank you for not showing it and creating a great performance, thank you for your hard work. Let’s be together forever.


“Even though we may we performing the same show, we know that it may be the first time for our fans from the other side of the world. So, we’re always determined to do our best. Like it’s our first time.”

There are 1st floor and 2nd floor stages for the <La Rouge> concert. Joy had lots of movements where she appears on the 2nd floor, and then suddenly showing up on the 1st floor. Have you ever been confused or out of breath?

I was confused at the beginning, but got familiar with it through repetitions. Just like you said, there were lots of stairs. I first appear on the 2nd floor, and then when the lights go out, I quickly go down and show up on the 1st floor as if nothing happened. The stairs are steep, so we’re always careful when touring, so don’t worry~

How was the back stage like?

It’s a warzone. But if you look at the back-stage photos, there are a lot of pretty ones. I think everyone gained composure as this is our third concert. That kind of expression wouldn’t come out during our first concert. At that time, everyone was exhausted, sensitive, and so busy, there wasn’t even time to wipe our sweat. Not just me, but everyone has gained composure now. Since we know the flow now.

Do you eat anything in the midst of the performance?

I drink only water. There’s no time to eat anything. Since I’m thirsty, I only drink either plain water or ionized water, and leave for the stage again. I don’t feel hungry either. Because I only focus on the stage during the concert. Instead, I get super hungry after the concert ends.

Your internal battery is going to run out when you reach home.

That’s nearly the case. Definitely when I do a concert, and also when I practice. Everyone knocks out after our daily routine.

Does Joy have her own know-how to create the perfect stage?

I always try to do the basics faithfully. I’m not the only one doing the stages. There’s the dance team and staff, and also the balance that the members have matched during the practice period. The stage becomes a mess the moment one person breaks that. So I always have a resolution, to adhere to the promise and balance we made with each other.

Are you the type to not do adlibs* on stage or when acting?

That’s right. There are times when adlibbing is really ingenious after sticking to the basics. But adlibs that were spontaneous makes everyone around flustered. 

T/N: adlibs here refers to actions that are not prepared beforehand

The concert ran for two days. How were the first and second day different, and how did you feel for each of them?

The compulsion to not make any mistakes was severe for the first day. It’s the first time showcasing what I’ve prepared all this while, thus the burden was huge. But the proud feeling is just as huge when it ends. I have more composure on the second day as compared to the first day. We were able to better showcase our individual charms. Therefore, there’s more of our own personalities and styles in our ments and dances.

Did your family or friends go to the concert? What did they say to you?

I did invite them but I forgot about that fact because I try not to care. If I think that someone is sitting in front of me, I wouldn’t be able to focus because f that. I only think about communicating with the fans during the concert.

As the concert approached, which member had the most worries?

Me and Seulgi unnie. It’s always like that every time. We both have the most worries and we get very stressed. I think it’s because we want to put on perfect performances.

You’re a perfectionist. Seems like you’re the type to keep it in your heart when you make a mistake on stage.

I’m the type to put it in my heart and I think about it a lot. I’m much better now. I try to pour it out even if I have to do it by force.

I’m curious about your feelings and emotions about being a 6th year singer.

Even as 6 years have passed, in the end, the concert’s overall repertoire is the same. Showcasing a variety of images, or showcasing reversal charms that we’ve not been able to show. And also not losing our Red Velvet’s appearance. There are people who come because they like Red Velvet’s color. Although each concert has their own theme, but at the end of the day, the key point is how we combine these three together. The audience must not be bored, and they need to feel fresh new things from our stages. I now worry about these kinds of things. Very different from before.

Have you ever had mannerism?

Anyone would have mannerism. Not just us Red Velvet, but the dance team, staff, and also company employees have gone through that kind of period. For the first day of <La Rouge>, everyone feels proud because it feels new. But as we tour and kept performing the same stages, I’ve fallen into mannerism before. At first, I focused my all in order to stick to what I’ve matched with the others. As I familiarized with that, I wanted to show my own charms. Whenever that happens, the only solution is the fans. Even though we may be performing the same show, we know that it may be the first time for our fans from the other side of the world. So I try to think from their perspective. Like it’s also always my first time performing this stage.

I think you’re very mature. You’ve heard that a lot, right?

I’ve heard a lot of people call me ‘kid-adult’ since I was young. From time to time, when I have deep thoughts, I get buried in them alone even when they aren’t heavy subjects, and I’d have a hard time. Even though this helps me when I’m creating new things, it’s not good when performing. Thus, I’m practicing on how to take away that weight. When I talk to people around me, I realize, “This is something I don’t have to think so deeply about”.

There are many people who choose Red Velvet as their wannabe and look up to you guys. Do you have anything to say to them?

It’s really touching that my job is a dream and hope for someone. I, too, looked up to someone and grew my dream when I was young, and have someone I admire now too. Just like how I’m talking about my concerns while doing this interview now, because those people are humans too, they’d go through hard times and have worries as well. Even so, I came to admire them because of their good merits, so I want to show fans good sides of me as well. So that they can have hope.

What do you have to say to the staff and members who’ve worked hard for <La Rouge>?

I know that it’s not easy for many people to gather and match with each other in a short amount of time. Everyone must have been exhausted, and I’m touched that they did not show it and worked hard. I felt that ‘this is what fun being together’ is like. I want to tell everyone that they’ve worked really hard, and I hope that we can continue to decorate the stage together like this in the future too.


“To the Staff, fans and our members. I want to say ‘Thank you for always being there.’ Why isn’t there a word to better express how thankful I am than just “thanks”, or “thank you”?”

How was it like back stage? A member even expressed it as a mess.

That’s right. Back stages are all like that no matter which show. It’s really hectic. We’d be moving around hastily up until 1 second before we go up on stage, and then when we are on stage, we have to put on a professional expression as if none of that ever happened. Having put up a few big shows, I think back stage has its own charms. Weirdly though, I’ve felt composure during this concert. I quickly prepared on my own, sat on the chair and watched the other people (laughs).

Do you know that? If you look at the concert back stage photos, everyone is busy and only Yeri looked relaxed.

Hahaha. Really? I don’t fix my makeup a lot, and I go up on stage full of sweat. I guess that’s why I have more composure than others.

The concert ran for two days. Were the first day and second day different?

I was very nervous on the first day. For the second day, not sure if it’s because I was not nervous, I have no other thoughts other than the dinner after the concert (laughs). First days of concerts is always a pity. So on that night, I’d do some monitoring and fix up the parts that were lacking. The first day is important. Because the condition and mistakes of that day would influence the second day.

The front section of the concert was ‘Velvet concept’ (An imaginary world – A Red Velvet of Red Velvet’s imagination), and the back section was ‘Red concept’ (Red Velvet’s reality – Red Velvet as perceived by the general public). What was your preferred stage and outfit?

For me, the <La Rouge> stage that we prepared for the concert. I danced on top of a table. It was hard to dance on the table with heels on during practice, but having done the concert, it was really fun. There’s a somewhat unique feeling. If I were to choose a stage that’s of my preference, I’d choose ‘La Rouge’ where I danced on the table. I like all the outfits. A lot of people around have said they’re pretty. That’s important. The outfits make me more motivated during the concert. I believe many singers will agree with this. 

The lines of movement on stage were complicated. There were also a lot of musical-like stages. Was it difficult to memorize all of that?

Weirdly enough, I’m quick in memorizing choreographies but I can’t memorize the lines of movement on stage. What’s worse is that I’m bad at directions. I don’t know the routes in my neighborhood even though I’ve lived there for years, and I can’t read maps either. So I always take the taxi. But this is similar on stage. There was once I went through the emergency exit during the first concert (laughs). I came down from the stage, but the security guard said this is not the way, so I went back up again (laughs). I feel like I’m ok now, but the lines of movements are always difficult and confusing to me.

Were you able to find the routes well this time?

This time round, the dancer unnies became my arms and feet (laughs). I’m very thankful. I still don’t know (the routes). Because each concert has a different size and different structure (laughs).

What helped you the most when you felt tired while preparing for the concert?

I ate well. I was about to say ‘I diet’, but if I think about what I ate during concert practice, there were a lot of nice things (laughs). Because practice is tiring, I don’t really gain weight no matter what I eat. Though I control my diet and eat salad as the concert date approaches, I eat fully before that. For a better concert (laughs).

What do you usually eat during the concert?

I can’t eat during that time. I drink water, but I don’t drink much either. Because I can’t go to the lavatory in the midst of it all (laughs). I think many people are curious about this, but I think the other members probably don’t each much too?

Did you eat yummy food after the concert ended?

Yes, of course. I’m the type to definitely do the after-party, so I asked everything from what the menu is, to where the restaurant is, before going up on stage. Haha. And after the concert ends, I ordered and ate everything on the menu from that restaurant. From meat and marinated raw crabs to bibim-naengmyeon (laughs).

Since we’re talking about the dinner, seems like everything wrapped up well. Lastly, do you have anything to say to the staffs who’ve worked hard and the fans who came to watch the concert?

To each of the staff who’ve made this concert together, I’d like to tell them, “Thank you for letting us complete this concert healthily and with fun.” To Luvies, I want to say, “Thank you for always being there.” Why isn’t there a word to better express how thankful I am than just “thanks”, or “thank you”?

What do you want to say to yourself? What about to the members?

I don’t want to use big words. Just “Yeri-ah, you did well, you’ve worked hard”. I’m very satisfied with this concert (laughs). To the members…what else is needed to be said. They’ve worked harder than anyone else, and I’m thankful to them more than anyone else. They’re always by my side and became my strength.
